Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Grocery Store

Poor neglected blog, I haven't forgotten you, I promise.

Today I went to the grocery store. I usually try to avoid doing that during the day on weekends because it's very busy.

And I understand that. I don't mind waiting a moment while someone picks out their cucumbers before I can do the same, or waiting for someone to clear an aisle because they are actually shopping.

But all you soccer moms clogging up the aisles with your shopping carts butted up against each other like fort market, chatting away about whatever you all chat about in the store... MOVE IT!

Seriously. There's a whole area in the front of the store with booths to sit in. Go chat there. All I want is some freaking cheese! I don't want to wait fifteen minutes to get to the Mild Cheddar. And don't give me the stinkeye when I politely excuse myself and ask to get past you. I'm actually doing this thing called grocery shopping.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Once Upon a Time...

I had three cats.

At about 9:30 each night, they magically turn into vultures who specialize in triangulation.

Miraculously, at 11:00 pm, after they have been given kibble they turn back into cats.

They're kind of like gremlins that way.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Best of Intentions

Tonight I'd planned to go out and join a gym.

Instead, I decided to stay home and eat stuffing for dinner. I do not regret this decision.

Ok, so I am going to join the gym. But the no enrollment fee deal is going for another couple weeks and I'd rather go on the weekend than run out at night.

But I still don't regret the stuffing.