Sunday, December 12, 2010


This year's Baking fest is complete! Cinnamon roasted almonds, muddy buddies, chocolate bark, ginger\molasses spice cookies, chocolate mint cookies, spritz cookies, and magic cookie bars.

I had a couple more things I wanted to do, but I got lucky getting two Sundays in a row with the baby out of the house. Asking for more would be nuts. Now to get them parceled out and shipped to friends near and far.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Fun Fact You May Not Have Known

The worst part of a root canal is when you have to go to the bathroom during the middle of one.

Also, the ouch factor afterward. Someday I shall again eat food that needs to be chewed.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Promises Kept and Promises Broken

I promised myself when I started this blog that it wasn't going to be a weight-loss blog. Unfortunately, I think it's just one of those things I'm going to have to talk about now and then. Maybe I'll start those posts with a big warning, "Weight-management talk ahead! Flee while you can!"

The short version, I gave up on remembering to bring food to work and went grocery shopping during my lunch hour one day. I brought food back to keep there so I don't have to remember to bring lunch. For 3 weeks I have not purchased food at work beyond a couple bottles of water and a stick of string cheese. The first 2 weeks I lost 10 pounds. (I also gave up soda except for a treat on Saturdays). For some reason the 3rd I didn't lose any, but I was also stressed out. Hopefully the loss of weight will resume this week.

A note: My diet was very, very bad, so yes, just the elimination of soda and eating breakfast and lunch that I didn't have to buy at work was enough for 10 pounds to basically fall off. Knowing my weight and the change in calories I should drop quite a bit more before I reach calories in = calories out again.

I'm also trying to put myself on austerity measures with money. I've been doing pretty well, although after 3 weeks I'm really feeling the pull to old habits. The need to go out shopping for Christmas gifts isn't helping. But I hope to pay off my new car loan way early by being good with money now.

I want my new to me car back! One day after picking up my car the check engine light came on and back to the dealer it went for repairs. I hate the loaner car but I'm grateful to have it. Thankfully any repairs to the car that are needed are covered by warranties. But that along with 2 visits to the dentist made last week very rough. Hoping for a quieter one where I can get my Christmas baking done this coming week!