Sunday, December 5, 2010

Promises Kept and Promises Broken

I promised myself when I started this blog that it wasn't going to be a weight-loss blog. Unfortunately, I think it's just one of those things I'm going to have to talk about now and then. Maybe I'll start those posts with a big warning, "Weight-management talk ahead! Flee while you can!"

The short version, I gave up on remembering to bring food to work and went grocery shopping during my lunch hour one day. I brought food back to keep there so I don't have to remember to bring lunch. For 3 weeks I have not purchased food at work beyond a couple bottles of water and a stick of string cheese. The first 2 weeks I lost 10 pounds. (I also gave up soda except for a treat on Saturdays). For some reason the 3rd I didn't lose any, but I was also stressed out. Hopefully the loss of weight will resume this week.

A note: My diet was very, very bad, so yes, just the elimination of soda and eating breakfast and lunch that I didn't have to buy at work was enough for 10 pounds to basically fall off. Knowing my weight and the change in calories I should drop quite a bit more before I reach calories in = calories out again.

I'm also trying to put myself on austerity measures with money. I've been doing pretty well, although after 3 weeks I'm really feeling the pull to old habits. The need to go out shopping for Christmas gifts isn't helping. But I hope to pay off my new car loan way early by being good with money now.

I want my new to me car back! One day after picking up my car the check engine light came on and back to the dealer it went for repairs. I hate the loaner car but I'm grateful to have it. Thankfully any repairs to the car that are needed are covered by warranties. But that along with 2 visits to the dentist made last week very rough. Hoping for a quieter one where I can get my Christmas baking done this coming week!

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