Saturday, March 20, 2010


Last night I did something dangerous.

I picked up my little monkey girl from day care and instead of going straight home, we went to the grocery store. I had decided earlier I just didn't feel like cooking, so I was going to let the grocery store do it for me.

People do this everyday. I don't. Generally because I'm lazy with a capital L on occasion. In fact, the capital L isn't really enough capital letters to express how lazy I can be. So I have so far avoided the temptation of letting the store cook for me because I didn't want to get into that habit.

So we bought some meatballs and some dressing and some fruit from the salad bar. And the monkey loved her dinner. Loved.

I may never cook again.

And in case you're interested... 1 week caffeine free! Next step, dropping soda altogether. At least the everyday habit.

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