Monday, June 14, 2010

Life is Busy

Well, it is when you take your daughter to Wisconsin on your own.

We've been home about a week now, and things are still busy and a little stressful. Without giving too many details the state of our state's economy is threatening both my and my husband's jobs (at least not on a permanent basis) and the waiting is killing me.

So I've been trying to focus on good things. Like how much help strangers gave me in the airports after they saw me pushing a stroller with one hand and hauling our carry-on and her car seat around. One woman even installed the car seat on the plane for me! Thank you again, First-class passenger in green.

My father-in-law took the baby today while my husband went with my mother-in-law out of town on some family business. I busied myself with cleaning up in my living room. It's a little disheartening to see how it doesn't look all that cleaned up. But it's just small and crowded and never going to look nice and neat.

Ah well, it is what it is.

I did get my plants in this weekend, so I'm very happy about that. And I learned that I can get a community garden plot at my work for next year! We'll see if I do well keeping up with them this year. If I do, maybe I'll take the plunge.


  1. *hug* If you need to talk, you know how to reach me.

    My fingers are crossed for your jobs!

  2. Thanks!

    They passed the budget extender, so we're safe for another week. Basically if the assembly and senate didn't pass the extender, government would shut down and we'd both be out of work until an extender or the budget was passed.

    All this, just in time for our lease renewal!
